Thursday, 29 October 2015


Scatter brain
Thoughts here and there
They don't align 
Feel like I'm running out of time.
There's got to be one thing that makes more sense above the rest.
Where is the trust?
Where is my Faith in the unsaid?
Pacing like a tiger in its cage.
A wild river trapped inside a glass jar.

"Just stop,
Rest for a while"
I try, but I'm rushed. 

When we need answers
And we want them now.
How unkind to stress yourself into a craze, there's no need. 
Don't you know, your King is with you!
That's what matters more. 
His Presence follows like a shadow. Wherever He is, there is His peace. 
"I Am here"
Stay in this moment, just be here.

Just be here

Just be here


Monday, 26 October 2015

Being Be

There is no created thing, that has the ability to be anything other than what they were created to be. And they flourish, as they are free. So free, simply by being be. A bird has no longing in the world to be a faster, louder or more colourful bird. A bird wastes no time hopelessly wishing they were a cat or a pretty flower instead. They just flap their wings, they sing their songs, they live their birds-life so free, simply by being be. All things created, have life. Everything God spoke into existence has meaning and purpose. But it is humanity, His most prized possession, those most dear to His heart, who were given the free will to choose a life with or without Him. And we are the only ones who ever wish we didn't have these hands, or didn't have that nose, or didn't belong to this family, or even wished we'd been someone else entirely. We are the only ones who struggle with being be. Our Father, Creator, Saviour and Lord, longs for us to be freer once more. Completely at peace with being me. But only when I know the One who made me like me, who loves me as me and only when I live to know Him better than anyone else, can this become a reality.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

That Place Beyond

Over the hill of doubt, through the valley of fear, to that place beyond the comfort zone is where I ought to steer. A dream is still a dream when it's far around the bend, reaching, reaching, still reaching... not yet able to quite grab. Like an optical illusion playing games inside my brain. Turning, twisting, wheeling. Testing the limitations of my dubious dauntlessness. Running around and then back. Give up? No, no, start again. Or maybe go this way. Or perhaps try that. And I make it all about the probable failures of my stubborn, hesitant self-lack. My mind lives at the circus! But my heart? My heart is set on other things. Things from a Divine Kingdom of unbelievable worth and immeasurable depth.

Who is the King of your heart? Who is the ruler of your soul? Whose purpose drives your mind, to make decisions of a certain kind? We cannot have two rulers. We cannot serve two Kings. We cannot be wholeheartedly devoted to Him, but also devoted to them. 

I have a constant nudging. Persistently poking at my sides. Some days I hardly notice, but on others I bleed profusely inside. Gushing through every crevice, wrapping around my lungs, until my breath is taken out. I cannot help but fall to my knees in desperation. Heaving under the weight, almost at my own end. 

I'm suffocated by the unimaginative, purposeless 'comfort trap'. I'm fed up with wanting to live only for myself inside this so-called safety net. How can we be safe, in a place where dreams are left for dead. Far away from any risk, avoiding all battles against a fear of the unsaid. Safely tucked inside a prison, wallowing in aimlessness. 

And yet, I love my kitchen and I love my bed. I love the warmth of comfort. I love the blanket of safe keeps. I love the smell of familiarity. I love the sound of sleep. And I love/hate the walls that separate the outside world from being real. I'll quite foolishlyy ignore the fact that I'm hiding in the doorway to the past. Blindly giving in to its undue governance.

Is that really what you want, for it to say upon your grave? "She safely, never did anything. She died still very afraid." Is that really how you want to be remembered? Is that who you want to be? That girl who feared everything and was swallowed by her own choice to live locked away, for free. 

My darling, don't stay here. Step outside all that you've known. Go just beyond the comfort zone, that's where real living is born. Don't give in to a life of regret. Forget about yourself. His Kingdom is bigger than that. Don't say you belong to the One, but then refuse to follow along. This life is not about you. It's not even about me. It's about all of us finding refuge under His shade, like a great big willow tree. Completely awed by His speechless wonder. In reverence of His heavenly faithfulness. Becoming one of the branches, like part of the furniture others don't even see. We're all just playing a very small role on a very very big stage. So don't become a bystander, merely alive to play it safe. The King is beckoning for us. Do you hear the enchanting whispers in the breeze? We are forever welcome into His Holy presence and steadfast love filled adventure. I Am, where we find all the peace we'll ever need to live truly released. 

(Hillsong United)
Through waters uncharted my soul will embark
I'll follow Your voice straight into the dark
And if from the course You intend
I depart
Speak to the sails of my wandering heart

Like the wind
You'll guide
Clear the skies before me
And I'll glide this open sea

Like the stars
Your Word
Will align my voyage
And remind me where I've been
And where I am going

Lost in the shallows amidst fear and fog
Your truth is the compass that points me back north
My Captain
My soul's trusted Lord
All my allegiance is rightfully Yours

Like the wind
You'll guide
Clear the skies before me
And I'll glide this open sea

Like the stars
Your Word
Will align my voyage
And remind me where I've been
And where I am going

Like the wind
You'll guide
Clear the skies before me
And I'll glide this open sea

Like the stars
Your Word
Will align my voyage
And remind me where I've been
And where I am going

My Captain
My soul's trusted Lord
All my allegiance is rightfully Yours

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Distracted Hearts

In my heart of hearts, I know how much I need God. Unequivocally need. Not just want. 
But somehow I manage to live most of my days, unaware of His presence or voice. I seem to get by "ok" without acknowledging Him everywhere, everyday. I wake up, I scroll through social media, I eat breakfast, I drink coffee, I momentarily think "I should really read my Bible first", but then I see the time and I rush to get ready. I get to work, I do what I do. Somewhere in the day I try and read (more like skim through) my Bible again. When work is done I'll often go to the gym, come home exhausted, shower, prepare and eat dinner, crash on the couch, watch something or other on TV and then drag myself to bed. The day is done. Without stopping to ponder, meditate or even pray. And then I think to myself, where is God? Why is He absent in my life? I never hear from Him. I don't feel close to Him. I feel distant. Why is He allowing me to stay in this season?
But the next day still isn't much different to the last. Does this sound familiar at all??
Everyday you feel more and more disconnected and less and less like yourself. But I know that we all need God for a thousand times endless reasons. And I know I need God if I want to accept who I am, love how He made me and feel completely at ease in myself. That way I can begin to forget about little ol' me. Gosh, what a relief that would be! 

But without Him, my life consists of selfish days, selfish hours, selfish minutes, just getting by, feeling confused and unfulfilled. Time just passes. Sometimes carrying pain, bitterness, regret and anger more than is necessary if I but offered my heart daily into His hands. 
I don't want to live a life only for myself, a life of just getting by. Forgetting to focus on what's real, what's important, what makes life worth living.
God, help me to learn to live on purpose.
Love stronger
Forgive easier
Listen longer
Trust harder 
See clearer
Hear better
Stand taller 
Speak more confidently 
Believe undoubtedly.
Teach us to live even more aware of our deep need for You. Show us how to dwell within the expanse of your Constant Love that is always giving life and more life. Compelling us to chase after Your Beauty with passion, craze and vitality. Never giving up. Just as You never give up. Please, God, don't ever stop chasing our distracted hearts. 

“Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what’s best— as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves... You’re in charge! You can do anything you want! You’re ablaze in beauty...”
(Matthew 6: 9-13 MSG)