Thursday, 2 October 2014


I think loneliness is probably one of the greatest fates of our time. The more "friends or followers" we have, the less actual company we might keep. When did it become so hard to make friends. When did it become such a challenge to simply be a friend. When did people stop being interested in people. All people. When did we stop asking questions? When did we stop digging for truth, for the gold? Everyone has a story, but not everyone is a born storyteller. It's time to make it our mission, my mission, to want to draw out the stories again. To hear the why behind the face. The depth in the eyes. The history in the smile. There's dire need to ask questions. Sometimes a genuine question is the only road towards connecting to another's heart. Sometimes a question is the only way for someone to know you care. It takes initiative and strength to ask. It is time to believe in people again, in the people that are physically in front of us. 
Friendship needs time and investemnt on both ends, it needs joy and encouragement, but sometimes it just needs you to shut up and smile. We should never assume that someone who looks as if they have it all together, always does. We have all put up a front, we all do it all the time. And that's ok, not everyone needs to see your aches and concerns all over your face. But what if there is no one to catch you alone, what if there is no one for you to be weak in front of, what if there is no one you can be real with… ?

The sneakiness of loneliness, 
disguised in quantity time with the presence of people on your iscreen,
being fooled into thinking you are part of the lives of those on social media.
Yet at the end of the day, you find yourself alone with your thoughts but no one to share them with.
Didn't receive any texts today?
Didn't send any either?
Haven't had an email in months?
When the comfort of home has become a self made prison.
When walking out the door on your own causes anxiety.
When riding the bus is a daily challenge.
When you put off meeting up with people you are only acquainted with - but secretly want to be closer to.
When you're losing the faith you once stood up for.
This is when the danger seeps in.
If you don't recognise your self anymore,
and you laugh less but cry more,
ask yourself when you started to give up on people.
On yourself?
You are building your own walls, one brick at a time.
If the company of others has become seldom, 
you are at high risk of burying yourself into the cracks,
never to be seen or heard of again.
I knew this girl once.
I know this boy.
She might be me.
He could be you.
Hello, does this resonate with anyone?

I am personally not the kind of girl, who just talks about my day. I don't fit the cliche that we talk more than men. Are you the kind of person, that talks all about your self even when no one asked, or are you the kind of person who when asked a question, doesn't ask a question back? 
I'll say it again, Everyone has a story but not everyone is a born storyteller. I have a story. You have a story. Let me tell you that showing interest yells "I CARE". You show interest by the simple art of asking questions, with your whole self. Your eye contact, your body language, your listening skills, and your voice. And then, you ask another question that follows the last question. That is how you get to know someone. That is how you can show you care. 

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