Sunday, 31 May 2015

The Kind One


It's like the family member you never speak of, but in reality is the one in whose company you most keep.
The skeleton in the closet. 
Only allowed out in solitude. 
The friend that never leaves you alone. 
Constant nagging for your attention.
Dropping by uninvited. 
Always there when you're on your own. 
Forever and always true, some sadly conform to. 
You can depend on it to stay, if you wish it.
And even though you don't, when you look back, there it lays.

It's sure to instill unwanted conviction.
Sadness, self-pity, spite?
It may even take you to a place in your mind
That you wouldn't dare dream.
Death? No I've never been.
Don't you see the undue scheme?
Do you really want to live within the boundaries of something that cannot breathe?

I've stared loneliness in the face
As clear as my own reflection 
Deep inside a mirror. 
It's real. 
You can't deny it 
Or simply wish it away like fluff. 
Disguised in your pretty smile. 
Hiding in your good lies. 
So how do you rid yourself, from this stupendous vile?

You can build your armour stronger. 
Flex the muscles in your brain. 
You can exercise endorphins. 
You can laugh in the presence of pain. 
And even spin around in the free-space of Grace.

I stared loneliness in the face.
Behind bars, is where it preys.
Though I am free to leave it far, 
beyond the walls of my untamed heart.

But I'm you're friend!
Remember me?
We met at the corner on Dark Street. 
I'm the one who lets you lead.
Oh please wont you marry me?

Don't be fooled by empty promises. 
For it can't live outside a being. 
It actually needs you to survive
In order to make a debut season.
Do you really want to give in
To the one who'll take control
Of your unreserved given life?
So don't believe the voice of treason.
It speaks only in tongues of lies.

Thus, listen to the One who lays beside you when you cry.
Whisperings of the Kind One.
Whose tears are stained with the blood of Life.
His ways are higher than mine and they always lead to more Love.

Monday, 25 May 2015


"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." C.S.Lewis (The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) 

When Messiah enters into our lives, He not only swells inside our hearts but it's His blood that pumps immortality through our veins giving us the promise of new life, after. It changes the course of our destiny. As we draw nearer to His reality and offer up our baggage of pain, fear, guilt, insecurity or shame, as soon as we've let go it turns to dust that's never been. And we can fly through many skies. Past worlds of all sorts, over the highest mountains, through the blackest valleys, even swim under the weight of the deepest seas. With the Prince of Peace by our side. He is Love. In Him there is no darkness. He will forever grant rest for our soul. In this World that makes no sense. Where Evil has dangerous control. We need His hope to guide us through to, what feels is, the distant end. Where it may seize no more. When The Lifeblood will breathe us home. All we must do is believe. 

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD. (Psalms 27:14 NLT)

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Silver Lining

The gift of Grace doesn't make sense until it has been received. Even then, we are left to wonder why...
Though when we encounter rough-seas and are gripped with the panic of drowning, we can forget the time He first entered into our heart. In complete awe of forgiveness that swept in, like a cool breeze filtering out the stuffy dead air in an old abandoned cottage. All at once, everything came to life! The flowers in the yard began to bloom, the birds on the windowsill started chirping once more. Singing songs of love and basking in joy. It was as though you'd stepped into the pages of a storybook. All this time, freedom was available to you but the prison of darkness and neglect held you inside those treacherous walls. Pining desperately for air, scratching your nails into the dirt, hastily searching for your own way out. Scrambling like a beggar in the sand, giving it all you have but still holding on much too tight. In order to be released, you need to be able to relieve the clutches of what isn't truth to puppeteer your life.
And when you chose to stop running only for a moment, Redeemer came rushing straight into your love. 

Years later, as you have grown and matured and that fresh smell of new life has rubbed off along the way. When things are no longer rose tinted and the sun doesn't glimmer as brightly as you remembered. When everything in your world feels amiss. This is when you need that silver lining to gleam in. The hope to see beyond the pain you feel. Reassured that your journey is going to steer the right way and everything is still going to be ok. For He promised to hold you forever and a day, when you said yes, as He bled your case.

There's always more that He knows, than what we can see. Isn't life bigger than us all? We sometimes forget that the World has been spinning for a long long time. The World is big, our God who holds it is even bigger. 

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT)

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Through Unnamed Woods

As the music was pulsating, lights were glaring and the people were singing aloud, I suddenly felt this stillness set upon me. Like falling peace right there, where we met. I asked my God, “Do You hear all this music or do You just listen to our hearts?”

Then we sang "Captain" and it was hard to voice some of the lyrics. I had to ask myself, do I really want to utter words I don’t always mean in my heart? Because... He can hear my real thoughts. Because... He knows the real struggle. And yet still I sang and meant it as far as I could grasp. Because... I wanted to, deep down I knew I would. Maybe that’s what He can see, so He listens and never deceives. 

When you strive to see through a dark place, with your own eyes, you may desensitise your other senses that could actually help you move forward. Since you’re just focusing on one thing. That is, to forcefully see through what you can’t see or understand on your own.

When we sing that line, “I’ll follow your voice straight into the dark” do we understand the weight of those words? In order to follow His voice, we need to be still and listen so that we might hear where we need to go or what we need to know. But if we’re striving, if we’re struggling, won't we likely drown out His voice and end up lost?

When you strive, your mind is screaming and every thought is followed by several exclamation marks. 
But when we stop to listen and use our other senses, we might actually begin to see clearer and know better where to go. Trusting that He is leading us through the unnamed woods.

But still, it’s hard. 
To trust in a dark place. 
A place filled with uncertainty. 
A place of great unknown. 
It seems so desolate, we feel forlorn
In this space, do we stand alone?
And as we wait in stillness,
We yearn to see a flicker in the distance,
Or hear the sound of a rock that hits against the wall,
Beckoning in the right direction,
Promising that we won’t fall.
Then time stands still,
Or so it feels.
When nothing happens,
Our faith one may steal?
So arms start flying,
Punching in the wind,
Hearts racing in desperation,
It’s Fear.
Misleading us astray,
But wait, this is not Love’s way.
Love holds us dear, 
So tightly knit,
Disentangling our chains, 
Silencing the chaos.
Exposing light from deep within.
We slowly breathe again and start reminiscing of Truth that will lead the way.
But still, it's hard. 
And that's ok.