Thursday, 18 October 2012

Love the person in front of you

Do you believe there is something your "meant to do" in life? 
Something specifically for you, your God-given purpose?
When did that type of thinking become normal?
Is it just a "western-Christian" way of thinking or is it this generations thing?
Is it good or bad?
I don't know, I'm fluctuating between what I think I believe.
Is it possible that, perhaps, some people have specific callings, and other people can kind of just do what they choose, as long as they do it well? 
Is that unfair? If some people have a purpose, shouldn't everybody?
Or is everybody's purpose to love God and Love people, and then come what may…?

It's a struggle for some. 
For people like me, who have believed for so long in having a dream, that it becomes painful when life is no where near "the dream or purpose". 
How do you live in the everyday without feeling regret or failure? 
Is it a wrong way of thinking, wrong approach to life? Is there another way around it, that has the same outcome, but still enables us to live our 'right now' lives with diligence and reason. 

Its difficult, in our world today, where travel and technology has made the reality of injustice and the hurting feel so close and feel like our responsibility. Its hard to just live life from a distance. You start to feel like maybe you're forgetting about them, or you don't care enough, and thats a hard reality to live with. But living with negativity and doubt isn't helping anyone either. 

Why is it that when we don't know what we're "supposed" to do, we often end up doing nothing instead. 
Is doing nothing better than doing something, with the fear of it being the wrong something? 
Or do lots of somethings lead towards the right "Supposed to".
If I think back, there are only a few times where I had the epiphany I was in the right place at the right time, and that is a great feeling to have. Actually I only ever consciously felt that once in my life. 
But in reality, I feel quite the opposite most of the time. 
Is it possible that maybe, there are a range of things we could do that work towards the "dream", and half the time we actually have no idea how, but that's OK?

I think, whats closer to the truth, is that we need to somehow be able to live with a sense of purpose in our everyday lives, allowing God to be there with us every step of the way, and never forgetting to acknowledge that if it weren't for Him we would be no where. And trusting that even when we feel like we're not doing anything, we can still hold on to Him. 
However you're meant to do that.

I find that in the process of trying to figure out how to live out "my purpose and reason" its easy to forget about Jesus. It often becomes more about "what am I supposed to do in MY life" rather than acknowledging that the future is in God's hands, so instead we should be asking what can we do in our lives to work out his plans and will.
Start by caring for what He cares about most. 
Keep loving people.
Fight for justice. 
Laugh and cry together. 
Listen to their stories. 
Hear people. 
See people.
Make it about the individual. 


I think what God cares most about is people, so in whatever capacity we can individually love and care for people we should do it. Including ourselves. Do it with His love, with the Love He's given to us to share through us. And then comes the trust thing… trust that He knows about all the injustice around the world, and is more concerned about it than I am. And then wait for Him to use me, because God uses people to help other people, whilst living my today loving the people around me. 
It always comes back to the basics: Love God, Love people. 
Love the person in front of you.