Tuesday, 20 September 2011


I like to think of it as the Lahore pull. Only those who have lived there or are from there understand the pull Lahore has on our hearts when we are away. It is a strange phenomenon, one I have never experienced with other cities. I'm biased though. Is it a Lahori thing? Is it a Pakistani thing? Whether we went to school and never spoke or were best friends in elementary, somehow now we are all family. And when something happens to one of us, we all mourn together. If we can unite when there is pain, surely we can unite in order to try and end what is causing our nation - our family - to ache. The least we can do is try... 

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The Unknown

The unknown is a scary phenomenon
Part of us is drawn to its mystery,
Yet another side of us abhors it, and does everything in our power to avoid a colision.
The unknown comes in many shades
There is the unknown of THE future
the unknown of MY future
the unknown of our inner hidden selves
the unknown truth about others
What all the unknowns have in common is this distinct heartbeat that accompanies in its shadows,
the heartbeat of fear and doubt
the heartbeat of insecurity and that sense of feeling lost,
We have all asked the questions: Where do I belong? What's my part? Why do I constantly feel like I don't fit in? Am I really so different?

I wonder if the unknown is only as scary as we make it to be?
Is it really so bad not knowing what is next, when next hasn't come yet? 
Does it really make sense to trust God about the unknown, when time keeps ticking and He hasn't informed us of His foresight? 

Is it possible to view the unknown in a different light, in order to limit its hold on us? 
If the unknown is something you tend to fear, as it is something I do at times, then perhaps this thought can enlighten you a little as it does me:
The unknown, when meaning the future and my part in it, is more like a surprise gift rather than sudden bad news that I could have avoided had I known about its journey towards me. 
The unknown doesn't have to be negative just because I don't understand it, see it, or know how to steer it. 
If the unknown is a surprise gift and God is the surprise gift giver, then I can know that this surprise is going to be good and beneficial to me and those around me; merely by the fact that God is good and does good. 
However, this does not eliminate bad things ever happening to me or hopping along my path. 
But it does give me something to hold on to, something more constant and consistent than having a concise picture of my future endeavours.
though I may not know, God does
though I may not understand, God does
Its actually quite silly to believe that if there were no more unknowns before me, I would be happier and more at peace,
No one's future can be fully known before-hand, because the world is full of people with unknowns, not just mine. 
And everybody's life choices contribute to OUR future. 

Its that season again where the unknown is ever so near and its shadows seem to linger,
I wonder, is it true that shadows falsely enlarge what they are reflecting?
If I walk out into the clearing, the shadows tend to disappear,
and I begin to trust the One who has no unknowns… especially not yours and mine.

As long as I am known by the One who knows all, I don't need to know all the unknowns there are to know, but I do need to know the One who knows…