Saturday, 13 August 2011

God kind of Love

Is it possible to say that because God is Love, and knows best how to Love, that "Love and Loving" belong to Him? As in, since it is so part of who He is, flowing through His nature and being, that the very action is His right? It is only through the LOVINGNESS of God that we are allowed to take part in this beautiful encounter . So in a sense, when we love people we are representing God. We embody God in the way we love people. 
When we have been loved right, it is easier to see God as a Loving Being. But when we have been loved wrong (which is not really love at all) it almost becomes inevitable for us not to blame God. It is no wonder that when we dilute or disgust love, it often causes us to turn away from God. Love is so interconnected to God, that even the perversion of love is unfortunately reflected back onto Him in our weak efforts to try and make sense of pain and redeem any wrong done to us or through us… the worst kind of evil is the dressed up in goodness and love kind. Manipulation is a mask that can only be worn in the dark, but the God kind of Love always supplies light and life

If Loving is His, and I choose to extend love, then I must love like Him… right?
This can be done in the way I word things, the way I think about people, the way I look at people, the way I talk (or choose not to talk) about people, the way I smile at people, the way I treat people, the way I make people feel… Just as there is so much more to loving than simply saying the words or trying to look like we're doing the right love things, so is there more to God than we often realise or acknowledge… there is so much more to Him than we give Him credit for… 
If Love (the action) were a person what would you think about them and how would you respond to them? 

What if it is true, like really true not just kind of true, that God is in fact LOVE; And not just love in the way we're used to or think we know, but Love in its purest form, Love that we will never fully grasp or make clear sense of, Love from the source… Would that change the way you think about God? Even just a little? Why is it that the one thing we crave and desire most, when offered to us, is the hardest thing to truly accept and live inconsistently

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


When I look at the ocean, I see it as a timeline of Life
Either of an individual on their journey,
or of a community with vast arrays of seasoned lives.

The waves represent youth
It's where baby steps are taken and initial choices made
to play
to splash
to tip-toe in
They are unpredictable like teenage mood-swings
sometimes calm
other times engulfing
unsure and sure all at the same time

Funny how when it comes to the ocean, all its layers are considered beautiful and loved. 
What if this was more so for people?

As we sail into the distance,
there are no playful splashes or the shallow boundaries of the sand
it is the age of depth,
stillness and strength

The farther we go with the ocean, the more it overwhelms us.
Yet sheds perspective on the vastness of the work of God's hands.

Rather than staying standing on the shore looking out into the horizon and dreaming about what lies beyond,
I want to venture out and travel to the distance 
discovering the smallness (yet uniqueness) of me compared to the bigness of my God.
Trying to grasp all that I can from and about the Almighty.
Going where He's gone,
Following when He calls,
Always trusting, when I cannot see the land.

Isn't it safer to stay where the water hits the sand? 
but the most peculiar sea-creatures aren't found there.

We can't have one without the other
The depth without the waves
The fun without the wisdom
it's a continual journey of discovery and change
Whilst bringing along the laughter

I like to think of the Ocean as being alive
always moving
always reflecting
contained by gazillions of tiny droplets,
projecting one thing,
the Ocean

One without the other, we cannot have
For there would be no ocean
or life to be shared

If the droplets represent individual lives,
Lets say The Ocean represents LOVE

Love as in,

Love as in LIFE
Love. Life. Truth.

One and the same
Droplets. Ocean
People. Life
waves. depths.
Love. God
God Loves People

Together it's the Ocean
Alone, it'll be an evaporated drop of water

This was random, unreliable, and all over the place… I know… and I feel I'm still in the "waves" season of life anyway, so I have no real idea what its like out there...but just remember one thing:
I'm pretty sure Life and Love involve Risk and Trust…